Believe it or not, nutrition is important for everyone - From the elite athlete to the first time 5k runner! I know that most of you are not planning to run a sub 4:00 mile or a sub 3 hour marathon, so the advice here is aimed at YOU!! Remember: Even SMALL changes can make a BIG difference.
So, this blog is not aimed at elite level athletes (although if any of you are reading this I would love to know what you think. . . a girl can dream, can't she?) I think nutrition plays a big role at every level of athleticism. In fact if you weren't born as an elite performer, you need all the edge you can get - I should know! And nutrition isn't all about running faster or jumping higher, it's about feeling your best.
I've been working at specialty running stores for about 3 1/2 years now, and I've noticed that even the 'amateur' runner takes running very seriously. Any serious runner needs to know about the best nutrition to keep them 'up and running' and that's where I come in. This blog will cover the basics that every runner needs to know. However, if you have any specific questions regarding your own nutritional needs, please feel free to contact me! I'm willing to talk one-on-one to develop a nutrition plan for YOU based on your own goals and your own starting point!